Why Little Dog Breeds Score HUGELY for Bad Breath
Why Little Dog Breeds Score HUGE for Bad Breath
What’s the deal? Have you ever rolled up on an absolutely adorable little dog, thinking how sweet and cute only to be deterred by the breath of a dragon? Lol…maybe not so funny if ‘the Little’ in your life suffers from the same. Good news and bad news. Bad News: it’s true, small dog breeds can be more susceptible to bad breath than big dogs. Here’s the Good News, you can fight back. Having a daycare only confirms the issue, being surrounded daily by both the Big and the Littles, we know dog breath. But we didn’t know why the little dog breeds score hugely for bad breath. So we do what we do…we Google, and here’s what we found.
Let’s start at the beginning. In the beginning, your dog was a wolf. All dog breeds stem from this pack. Through natural selection and the genius of dog breeding, we have evolved some of these creatures into the Little’s, aka small dog breeds. What once started as a large dog breed has evolved into all of the small dog breeds we know and love today. The downside in the process occurs when a large skull fitted with a specific number of teeth, becomes condensed to a smaller jaw size. The number of teeth has not evolved to compensate for the smaller jaw. Ouch, not a perfect science. This is why we often see small dog breeds with overcrowding teeth. Overcrowding of the teeth is a catalyst for gum disease. Do you see where I’m going here? Evolution, smaller jaw, with the same number of teeth, gum disease and you have the answer to why the little dog breeds score hugely for bad breath.
Here’s what happens when the evolution of a smaller jaw with the same number of teeth creates a problem. Overcrowded teeth create crevices where food can pocket and begin to build plaque. Plaque is a soft layer or film containing billions of bacteria. A buildup of plaque leads to a buildup of tartar. Plaque is an easier build-up to remove, but once plaque turns into tartar build-up, a dental professional is the only way to remove the build-up. Tarter not only contributes to why the little dog breeds score hugely for bad breath, but it also causes tooth discoloration and sensitivity as well as gum recession and periodontal disease. Yes, periodontal disease affects dogs too, especially the little dog breeds.
Evolution isn’t the only reason why the little dog breeds score hugely for bad breath. The Littles still have all the same bad breath stimulants that the big dogs are exposed to as well. Making it twice the battle for the Littles to win big in the name of bad breath. Typically what your dog eats can directly affect its breath. Cheaper foods, offering less nutrition, can become a catalyst by not offering good tooth health and structure. Side note: Not only what gets eaten, but what gets caught in their furry face can create odor issues. Most little dog breeds have furry facial features accompanied by a smaller snout. This means they are more susceptible to getting food in their facial hair. It becomes nearly impossible not to get dirty while eating. This breeds bacteria and also leads to unpleasant smells.
So while there are multiple factors as to why the little dog breeds score hugely for bad breath, the number one being crowded teeth, there are ways to fight back. Talk to your vet if overcrowding is an issue with your small dog breed. Typically small dog breeds need extra dental care. Think of preventative measures before bad dog breath becomes an issue. Just like humans, poor tooth health can be directly linked to other health issues. For easy at-home solutions, check out this article, Combat Bad Dog Breath, on The Beach Dog website. The article offers 8 tips for treating the cause and instilling better habits and better health. All very simple, like changing your dog's diet. Perhaps even adding raw fruit and veggies. Not only are fruits and veggies great for vitamins and minerals, but they are also fibrous and act like a toothbrush as your dog chews. The article also shares some treatment ideas that act as a brushing agent. Yes, I said that right….treats that are sure to help little dog breeds score some sweet breath. Yahoo…bring on those cute little pooches and all the human smooches!